03:24:20 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteAreaChart1.xlsx
03:24:21 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Sales"
03:24:21 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:21 File written to 32readwriteAreaChart1.xlsx
03:24:21 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteAreaChart2.xlsx
03:24:21 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Sales"
03:24:21 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:21 File written to 32readwriteAreaChart2.xlsx
03:24:21 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteAreaChart3.xlsx
03:24:21 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Sales"
03:24:21 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:21 File written to 32readwriteAreaChart3.xlsx
03:24:21 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteAreaChart3D1.xlsx
03:24:21 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Sales"
03:24:21 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:21 File written to 32readwriteAreaChart3D1.xlsx
03:24:21 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteAreaPercentageChart1.xlsx
03:24:21 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Sales"
03:24:21 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:21 File written to 32readwriteAreaPercentageChart1.xlsx
03:24:21 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteAreaPercentageChart2.xlsx
03:24:21 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Sales"
03:24:21 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:21 File written to 32readwriteAreaPercentageChart2.xlsx
03:24:21 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteAreaPercentageChart3D1.xlsx
03:24:21 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Sales"
03:24:21 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:21 File written to 32readwriteAreaPercentageChart3D1.xlsx
03:24:21 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteAreaStackedChart1.xlsx
03:24:21 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Sales"
03:24:21 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:21 File written to 32readwriteAreaStackedChart1.xlsx
03:24:21 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteAreaStackedChart2.xlsx
03:24:21 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Sales"
03:24:21 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:21 File written to 32readwriteAreaStackedChart2.xlsx
03:24:21 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteAreaStackedChart3D1.xlsx
03:24:21 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Sales"
03:24:21 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:21 File written to 32readwriteAreaStackedChart3D1.xlsx
03:24:21 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteBarChart1.xlsx
03:24:21 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Sales"
03:24:21 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:21 File written to 32readwriteBarChart1.xlsx
03:24:21 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteBarChart2.xlsx
03:24:21 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Sales"
03:24:21 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:21 File written to 32readwriteBarChart2.xlsx
03:24:21 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteBarChart3.xlsx
03:24:21 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Sales"
03:24:21 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:21 File written to 32readwriteBarChart3.xlsx
03:24:21 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteBarChart3D1.xlsx
03:24:21 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Sales"
03:24:21 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:22 File written to 32readwriteBarChart3D1.xlsx
03:24:22 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteBarPercentageChart1.xlsx
03:24:22 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Sales"
03:24:22 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:22 File written to 32readwriteBarPercentageChart1.xlsx
03:24:22 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteBarPercentageChart2.xlsx
03:24:22 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Sales"
03:24:22 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:22 File written to 32readwriteBarPercentageChart2.xlsx
03:24:22 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteBarPercentageChart3D1.xlsx
03:24:22 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Sales"
03:24:22 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:22 File written to 32readwriteBarPercentageChart3D1.xlsx
03:24:22 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteBarStackedChart1.xlsx
03:24:22 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Sales"
03:24:22 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:22 File written to 32readwriteBarStackedChart1.xlsx
03:24:22 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteBarStackedChart2.xlsx
03:24:22 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Sales"
03:24:22 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:22 File written to 32readwriteBarStackedChart2.xlsx
03:24:22 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteBarStackedChart3D1.xlsx
03:24:22 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Sales"
03:24:22 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:22 File written to 32readwriteBarStackedChart3D1.xlsx
03:24:22 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteBubbleChart1.xlsx
03:24:22 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - Untitled
Worksheet: Charts
chart2 - "Bubble Chart"
03:24:22 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:22 File written to 32readwriteBubbleChart1.xlsx
03:24:22 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteBubbleChart3D1.xlsx
03:24:22 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - Untitled
Worksheet: Charts
chart2 - "Bubble - 3D"
03:24:22 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:22 File written to 32readwriteBubbleChart3D1.xlsx
03:24:22 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteChartWithImages1.xlsx
03:24:22 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
There are no charts in this worksheet
Worksheet: Charts
chart1 - "Chart Title - with additional formatting"
03:24:22 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:22 File written to 32readwriteChartWithImages1.xlsx
03:24:22 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteColumnChart1.xlsx
03:24:23 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Sales"
03:24:23 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:23 File written to 32readwriteColumnChart1.xlsx
03:24:23 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteColumnChart2.xlsx
03:24:23 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Sales"
03:24:23 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:23 File written to 32readwriteColumnChart2.xlsx
03:24:23 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteColumnChart3.xlsx
03:24:23 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Sales"
03:24:23 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:23 File written to 32readwriteColumnChart3.xlsx
03:24:23 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteColumnChart3D1.xlsx
03:24:23 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Sales"
03:24:23 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:23 File written to 32readwriteColumnChart3D1.xlsx
03:24:23 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteColumnChart4.xlsx
03:24:23 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - Untitled
Worksheet: Charts
chart2 - "Column - Grouped"
03:24:23 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:23 File written to 32readwriteColumnChart4.xlsx
03:24:23 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteColumnPercentageChart1.xlsx
03:24:23 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Sales"
03:24:23 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:23 File written to 32readwriteColumnPercentageChart1.xlsx
03:24:23 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteColumnPercentageChart2.xlsx
03:24:23 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Sales"
03:24:23 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:23 File written to 32readwriteColumnPercentageChart2.xlsx
03:24:23 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteColumnPercentageChart3D1.xlsx
03:24:23 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Sales"
03:24:23 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:23 File written to 32readwriteColumnPercentageChart3D1.xlsx
03:24:23 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteColumnStackedChart1.xlsx
03:24:23 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Sales"
03:24:23 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:23 File written to 32readwriteColumnStackedChart1.xlsx
03:24:23 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteColumnStackedChart2.xlsx
03:24:23 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Sales"
03:24:23 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:23 File written to 32readwriteColumnStackedChart2.xlsx
03:24:23 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteColumnStackedChart3D1.xlsx
03:24:23 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Sales"
03:24:23 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:24 File written to 32readwriteColumnStackedChart3D1.xlsx
03:24:24 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteDonutChart1.xlsx
03:24:24 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - Untitled
03:24:24 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:24 File written to 32readwriteDonutChart1.xlsx
03:24:24 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteDonutChart2.xlsx
03:24:24 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - Untitled
03:24:24 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:24 File written to 32readwriteDonutChart2.xlsx
03:24:24 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteDonutChart3.xlsx
03:24:24 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Qtr 1 - 2008"
03:24:24 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:24 File written to 32readwriteDonutChart3.xlsx
03:24:24 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteDonutChart4.xlsx
03:24:24 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Qtr 1 - 2008"
03:24:24 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:24 File written to 32readwriteDonutChart4.xlsx
03:24:24 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteDonutChartExploded1.xlsx
03:24:24 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - Untitled
Worksheet: Charts
chart2 - "Exploded Doughnut"
03:24:24 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:24 File written to 32readwriteDonutChartExploded1.xlsx
03:24:24 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteDonutChartMultiseries1.xlsx
03:24:24 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - Untitled
Worksheet: Charts
chart2 - "Doughnut"
03:24:24 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:24 File written to 32readwriteDonutChartMultiseries1.xlsx
03:24:24 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteLineChart1.xlsx
03:24:24 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Sales"
03:24:24 Write Tests to Excel2007 file
03:24:24 File written to 32readwriteLineChart1.xlsx
03:24:24 Load Test from Excel2007 file 32readwriteLineChart2.xlsx
03:24:24 Iterate worksheets looking at the charts
Worksheet: Data
chart1 - "Sales"
03:24:24 Write Tests to Excel2007 file

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PHPExcel_Writer_Exception' with message 'Error zipping files : PCLZIP_ERR_MISSING_FILE (-4) : File '/tmp/[Content_Types].xml' does not exist' in /home/imfmm/public_html/application/formation-professionnelle/vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Shared/ZipArchive.php:108 Stack trace: #0 /home/imfmm/public_html/application/formation-professionnelle/vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Writer/Excel2007.php(246): PHPExcel_Shared_ZipArchive->addFromString('[Content_Types]...', '<?xml version="...') #1 /home/imfmm/public_html/application/formation-professionnelle/vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Examples/32chartreadwrite.php(119): PHPExcel_Writer_Excel2007->save('32readwriteLine...') #2 {main} thrown in /home/imfmm/public_html/application/formation-professionnelle/vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Classes/PHPExcel/Shared/ZipArchive.php on line 108